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M/s.Omega events advertising and tradefairs was started in 2007.The company carries distinctive advantage because it is the only event management and trade fair sponser with over 15 years Solid experience in the advertising promotional techniques. Omega events is the only dull fledge sponsor to prsent 90 prestogious internationsl-class product exhibition withi in 15 years.

A construction expo, also known as a construction trade show or construction exhibition, is an event that brings together professionals and stakeholders from the construction industry to showcase, discuss, and explore the latest trends, technologies, products, and services in the field of construction and building.

நூற்றுக்கும் மேற்பட்ட பொறியாளர்களின் மேற்பார்வையில் கட்டுமான பொருட்கள் அனைத்தும் நவீன தொழில்நுட்ப வடிவமைப்பில் ஒரே இடத்தில் காண ஓர் வாய்ப்பு. இக்கண்காட்சியில் கட்டிட வேலைக்கு தேவைப்படும் செங்கல், சிமெண்ட், கம்பி, கிராணைட், டைல்ஸ், கதவு, ஜன்னல், எலக்ட்ரிக்கல், மின்மோட்டார், பிளம்பிங், UPVC ஜன்னல் வகைகள், பெயிண்ட், ரூப்பிங் சீட், லேசர் கட்டிங், வீட்டிற்கு தேவையான பர்னிச்சர்ஸ், மாடுலர் கிச்சன், வார்டுரோப் போன்ற அனைத்து பொருட்களும் ஒரே கூரையின் கீழ் எண்ணற்ற நிறுவனங்களின் அரங்குகளில் காட்சிபடுத்தப்படுகின்றன. பார்வையிட்டு பயனடைய அன்புடன் அழைக்கின்றோம்.

United Trade Fairs India Pvt Ltd (UTFl) is a Pioneer Organization founded by experienced professionals in the field of organizing trade fairs with vast experience behind them. UTFl is the only trade fairs organizer in India tie-up with leading Medias. It has established itself as one of the finest Organizers of national and international exhibitions and conferences in the country. Our portfolio of events includes United Agri Tech, United Auto Expo, United Build Expo, India lntex Expo, India Garage Expo and United Dairy Tech etc. With Headquarters in Coimbatore. The United Trade Fairs India Pvt Ltd transfer the information about innovations and market trends to the public through the Trade Fairs, lt helps the seller to identify the buyers under one roof and increase the sales, lt is Marketing contact with potential local and foreign clients. UTFl has helped for buyer and seller to identification of market niches, and also it is committed to providing satisfaction to the customers by organizing focused international quality trade shows through exceptional services, employee involvement, market intelligence and continual improvement

மிகப்பெரிய மற்றும் புதுமையான இண்டியன் இன்ஜினியரிங் சோர்சிங் ஷோ

"India’s Prime Building and Construction Trade Fair" Intec is a construction expo that unites building material and technology segments, featuring Pan India participants and showcasing the latest in the field to enhance the construction industry's cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and technology.

Crystal Trade Fair is a vibrant and structured venture, which is India's most successful exhibition organizer. Our focus is to enable businesses to showcase their goods, disperse knowledge, and discuss industry trends in a tailored environment. Eventually, we aim to innovate a favorable platform for promoting sales, capturing leads, analyzing the competition, introducing new products/services, practicing Account-based marketing, gathering feedback, spotting trends, educating the public, and bridging manufacturers and end users with a complete business value chain. We proudly state that our versatile team possesses rich experience in trade fairs, networking, convergence, which has made us a key player in exhibitions, trade shows, seminars, and conferences across various industries such as Agri Exhibition, Building Expo, Automobile Expo, Engineering Trade Show, Health & Medical Expo. Our enthusiastic team is highly motivated and resourceful, offering a range of expert services to spark novel ideas.

"The building & construction industry expo" Build Expo has proved to be the most effective medium of getting across the targeted market in terms of inquiries & business generation. By participating in this exhibition, you can achieve exposure for your products, brands, maximize leads, visibility, awareness of new product introduction, project your company as a specialist in a given area, develop new contacts, initiate new business deals, identify new market segments & of course counter sales, booking.
