Stall Structure

Exhibitor Profile

Profile of exhibit based no Raw Materials, Complete Foundry Plants, Melting Furnaces & Accessories, Moulding and Core Making, Sand Preparation, Treatment & Reclamation, Casting Machines, Accessories
Die Casting Machines & Accessories, Knock out, Finishing, Heat Treatment and Drying, Measuring, Testing, Process Control Instruments
Material Handling, Environment Control, Machining, Robotics, Low cost Automation, Auxiliary Equipment, Foundry Services, Casting Manufacturers - (Ferrous & Non- Ferrous)

Visitor Profile

Visitors like Buyers / Sourcing Personnel from Automobile Industry, Engineering Industry, Defense & Aerospace, Railways
Technology Suppliers & Technology Seekers, Energy & Infrastructure, Trade Delegations, Government Officials
Investors and Promoters, R & D Institutions, Product and Service Users, Consultants and Machinery Manufacturers

Why Attend

It is also equipped with modern audio-visual facilities. This exhibition centre is located on the outskirts of Bangalore and is easily

organized by

The Institute of Indian Foundrymen